Dead Professional has been dribbling singles here and there on the Internet for about as long as this blog has been around. I’ve found it a little unfair, though I understand. Perfection takes time, after all. I once heard someone describe their food critique podcast as a quest for finding something that they couldn’t imagine being better than what was in front of them. That’s pretty much how I feel about Dead Professional’s music — it couldn’t possibly be better.
The EP features beefed-up versions of music posted here in the past as well as a few new songs. Dead Professional’s garnered comparisons to Tom Petty that are spot-on: warm, mellow, and incisive songwriting.
Dead Professional — Official, Facebook, Purchase
While you’re throwing money at things, check out Thee Shambels’ new crowdfunding project. Thee Shambels were one of the first bands I featured on this blog, and they’re still great.