Moonage Shine — Devil On His Tail

I will admit that it took me a few tries to really get into what can best be described as Moonage Shine’s psych-folk. But trust me — the effort is well worth it. “Moriartism” is a haunting rumination of mortality that won’t leave my brain, and I’m totally fine with it being there.

Moonage Shine is a Texas-based trio that produces perfectly executed, perfectly spooky music. In my mind, they remind of what would happen if State Champion’s rambling, stream-of-consciousness roots punk had a baby with The Low Anthem’s low-key, mystic folk. In other words, this is intense, well-crafted, multi-layered music without pretension or histrionics. I took the opportunity to listen to their previous EP, The Western Front, and felt just as enthusiastic about it now that I get what Moonage Shine is about. This is consistently awesome stuff. Just let it soak for a little while.


Moonage Shine — Facebook, Bandcamp, Spotify