There’s a lot of toxicity flooding the Internet right now, so perhaps this Valentine’s Day is a good time to reflect on things that are beautiful and pure. Walking to work today, I genuinely enjoyed all of the people on their way to work with arms full of flowers and teddy bears for their friends and partners.

Of course,
if the next most pure thing to teen love is teen heartbreak. At 16 years old, Canadian-born Maddy Chloe has channeled those emotions into a peppy folk song that twists the knife. Now living in Torino, Italy, Chloe’s making a go of documenting her experiences at their freshest. Her new single “Too Little To Be” talks about a love story
turned sour and the aftermath of a broken heart. Chloe wrote the lyrics, music, and played the ominiously de-tuned ukelele accompanied on piano and melodica are by Luca Baù. The track is
arranged and produced by Charles Bisaillon and recorded in Addexxo’s
studios in Torino.