Let me catch you up on Kristopher James. Big voice. HUGE voice. Unassuming person. The perfect guy for a stadium show, Kris could easily lead a country soul revival single-handedly. I’ve been in love with his voice since pretty much forever, and I’m excited to share his new single “Feelings” with you. Before we get to that, the Florida-based singer-songwriter enthusiastically took 5 rounds with us.

Who are some of your musical influences?
That can be hard question to answer, and sometimes depends on what I’ve been listening to at the moment – but the foundation kind of influences: Otis Redding, Al Green, Amos Lee and David Ramirez. But I find myself being influenced by Emily King and H.E.R, as of late – just the rhythm of their storytelling, the texture of their vocals and music. Just so good.
Who would you love to collaborate with? Why?
HA! Ok, let me get my list out … I’ve always been a giddy fan of David Ramirez, out of Austin. So, he would be a top shelfer, for sure – same with Amos Lee. I think we would complement one another’s’ voices. YOLA would be another – just an Athena voice and hell of a human. BUT, if I’m allowed to dream for a second – 8-year-old, Walkman carrying Kristopher would wet himself if he got to collaborate with Garth Brooks – I know, I know, I’m laughing at myself even saying it out loud – but I loved him growing up and any time a song comes on, I’m 100% singing ever 90’s lyric like an uber fan.
Do you have any go-to albums to listen to in the van?
Garth Brooks – The Hits!!! Kidding, not really … Great question. It depends on the drive and how long we’re in the van. Sometimes it’s just hitting shuffle, on my phone – and listening to everything from Bad Religion to Anderson East’s new one “Madelyn”. But I’m also a sucker for podcasts – so, I’ll throw on a Morbid Podcast and let that be the background for the trip.
Do you play covers at your shows? Why or Why not?
When I first started, I had to – I didn’t have enough material to do much of anything. Now that I’m a few years in, I can lean more on my own material – BUT, I’ll occasionally do covers.
One of the reasons I don’t is because I’M TERRIBLE AT COVERS!!! I will 100% forget a lyric and that will snowball into me making a joke in the mic and being hilariously awkward haha.
What’s the best way a fan can support you?
I love this question because that’s the reality of modern music culture – we HAVE to be supported by fans. We can’t afford to live off of album sales/stream stats or even merch sales – it really is investing and loving the community of listeners that believe in you. And really, the best way someone can support me is believing in me.Believing enough to follow along, on this music journey – following their convictions to support if they feel they can/need – and sharing what we create, together.
Have you changed your practices to ensure that your team is diverse?
I’m terribly independent – because a lot of times I feel, with my schedule and life, that I’m a burden. So, I will do a lot of things on my own … But when I need a team, it has to be broad.
As a white, cis, male, the world is rose-colored: I don’t experience exclusion, really anywhere, for anything. For me not to use whatever privilege I have to be a bridge, a footstool, for my friends and community – I couldn’t live with myself, let alone be an example for my kids. So, somehow, in some way, whatever I do has to be inclusive – not for the sake of a social accolade or progressive faux medal – but for the sake of recognizing a systematic wrong and changing my posture, my position, humbling myself, so that whenever and wherever – change is made communal.