As J.M. Clifford told us in his interview a few weeks back, he’s not really into benders. The title track of his new album On a Saturday Night, which was released as a single this past Friday, speaks to that truth: it’s probably one of the most mellow benders you’ll go on.
The story in Clifford’s song reflects his truth: he spent 2020 dealing with a lot. Coping with the recent death of a parent and a divorce when the global pandemic hit, he set to work on his debut record while quarantined in his Brooklyn apartment.

Though Clifford played in various bands in college and after, he put aspirations of a touring career on the shelf. He became a music teacher at an inner city elementary school and shared his passion for creativity and songwriting with his students. After his mom passed away and his marriage ended, Clifford fell into a depression. “I started dozens of songs, just trying to process what I’d been through, but I couldn’t finish anything. So I went on different medications, got into therapy, researched Buddhism and meditated, sometimes for hours a day.“
On A Saturday Night was recorded at The Bunker Studio in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Masked up and sanitized, the bluegrass community that lifted Clifford back up on his feet was now helping him put down roots in the genre that he credits with helping him through some very dark times. Co-Produced by Clifford, Ron Pope, and Nicole Cosme, the tracks range from traditional bluegrass romps to delicate and sparse ballads with introspective lyrics. The songs address his personal struggles head on, eventually finding some much needed closure and acceptance.
On a Saturday Night will be released in August 2021.