HEY! LISTEN: Whiskey and Fire Bring the Brimstone Along On “Dwell”

The British Columbia-based rockabilly band keeps and short sweet: Whiskey and Fire will kick your ass. If you’ve been missing the psychobilly by the likes of Nick 13, look no further. The band’s recent single “Dwell” is delivered with the urgency of a man with the fires of Hell not only nipping at his heels, but engulfing his clothes, too. The band writes that “Dwell” is “a tale of penitence. Ones journey through the haunting memories of shame and betrayal. How one must learn to carry the burden of guilt.”

Whiskey and Fire only have two singles out so far, and you can check out “Dead Float Down the Delta” on their Bandcamp page. It’s a different tone, but just as fun.

Whiskey and Fire — Bandcamp, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram