WATCH THIS: Linda Draper Cruises in Her “’81 Camaro,” Dips Toe Into Line Dancing

We got to see an example of Linda Draper’s freak folk tendencies on “Tether,” but this time around she just wants to go along for the ride. In her charming new video, Draper bids farewell to New York and takes a deep dive into nostalgia and Americana (not the music genre.)

Linda writes of the video:

”81 Camaro’ is a nostalgic tune and also the current state of life I find myself in now as I gear up for a move from New York, where I’ve lived my whole life, to the North Carolina coastline. It’s about longing for the days of innocence, all the while knowing that those days are behind me, still living for the joy that each moment has to offer, even if I have nothing but gratitude and the holes in my pockets to give in return.

The video for this song is about a day in the life of anyone in anywhere America and was partly inspired by Norman Rockwell paintings.
I have never had more fun making a music video. We shot it in Orlando, partially at Fun Spot amusement park, checking out the coolest classic car show in town, playing games in the arcade, going on rides, and drinking beer. As the scene turns to night, I dip my toes into country line dancing (shot at Cowboys, also in Orlando.)

I will forever be changed by witnessing authentic country line dancing in person. Everyone instinctually just knew all the moves, it was so beautiful and graceful. I was truly humbled and inspired by this country line dancing culture and thrilled that we were able to capture at least a glimpse of it in this video. If these beautiful folks at Cowboys one day developed a country line dance for ”81 Camaro’, all of my dreams will have come true.”

Linda Draper — Official, Instagram