Andie Mechanic’s new single “down to size” gets raw — quickly. The folk song dives deep into Mechanic’s teenage body dysmorphia — so I would definitely advise a content warning for anyone with or recovering from an eating disorder. That said, Mechanic moves towards a satisfying and uplifting conclusion as she describes the moment she knew she needed a change.

In our interview, Mechanic discusses her pop influences and how she learned to take ownership of her voice.
Who are some of your musical influences?
Charli Adams, Carol Ades, Sara Bareilles, The 1975
Name a perfect song and tell us why you feel that way.
“Talking To Myself” by Gatlin. The second I heard this song I knew it would become one of my favorites of all time. The hook is flawlessly catchy, the production is chill without getting boring. The lyrics are instantly relatable and commercial. It’s just an all around fantastic pop song.
Explain the title of your album.
The title of my album will be All About Me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been paralyzingly worried about talking about myself. I never wanted to come off as self-obsessed, narcissistic, or bragging. But through writing this album, I finally understood how powerful and necessary it was for me to express myself. And it’s not so horrible to want people to listen to what I have to say either.
Have you ever been given something remarkable by a fan?
Just recently, someone made a tiktok video to my song “down to size” about their own recovery journey. That was one of the most meaningful things anyone’s ever given me. I’ll never forget it.
Is there a professional “bucket list” item you would love to check off?
Getting on a Spotify Editorial Playlist. Specifically Fresh Finds Pop!!!