Swedish duo Old Amica will arrest you with their harmonies on “Everyone We Know.” That was the first thing that hit me as this dirge unfurls majestically. This isn’t a dirge for others, though — it’s about losing one’s sense sanity, one’s ego, and knowing there’s not much that can be done to stop it.

If the gang vocals, militaristic drums, and string arrangements feel a bit old-school, there’s a reason for that.
“Written 12 years ago but never released, this is a song about being followed and the intensifying paranoia as a result of it,” explains J. “Almost completely built up by voices, organic and sampled, it grows with layers until the end when surrender is inevitable. It’s taken from our upcoming EP Debris Sides which features 5 songs originally recorded for our debut Debris (Knoppar, 2011), but in the end were omitted and have been hiding on slowly disintegrating hard drives until now.”
Debris Sides will be out on February 16th.