Pete Mancini is something of a hero and an old pal here on Adobe & Teardrops and I’m so pumped for his upcoming album, American Equator (out March 7th.) Mancini has always had a knack for deadly hooks, and “Stomping Grounds” is as power pop as anyone could hope for. It’s a signal of a newfound confidence as he continues to explore sobriety, even as the song explores the challenges he still faces.

In the tumultuous summer of 2020, Mancini headed down to Dial Back Sound in Water Valley, MS to begin work on his third solo album, Killing The Old Ways. Produced by Matt Patton of Drive By Truckers and Bronson Tew, the album was Mancini’s best yet — a gem in a pile of them.
“When I first got sober, I was very self-conscious about writing about sobriety,” Mancini explains. “I didn’t want every song to be about that, but it crept into my lyrics and eventually this song came out while I was on a walk. I had it in my back pocket during the recording sessions at Dial Back and Patton suggested we try it. I am glad he did because I love how it turned out. I hope that someone who needs to hear it knows that not only is it possible to quit drinking/using but life gets so much better after you do. Not easier, just better. It’s hard to explain, and that’s what I attempted to capture with this song.”
This time around, American Equator finds Mancini furthering his craft. Recorded over a span of five days with Patton once again at the helm producing, Mancini has realized his most emphatic and cohesive album yet. Contributions from Jay Gonzalez (Drive By Truckers), Tim Lee, Schaefer Llana, and John Smith (Dexateens) support Mancini as he confidently treads new sonic territory.
March 7th is coming up! Pre-order American Equator on Bandcamp.
New Yorkers — catch Pete (and me!) at the Mercury Lounge on 3/27 for the album release show. (See flyer below.) Everyone else, click here to find Pete near you.