HEY! LISTEN: Truth or Consequences New Mexico Or Torn Apart By Music on “Between GA”

Chicago rockers Truth or Consequences new Mexico learn a thing or two about love and commitment on “Between GA.” Formed in late 2021 by Cora Pancoast (vox/guitar) and Jack Parker (vox/guitar) from their time co-DJing at Northwestern University’s WNUR, Truth or Consequences New Mexico began as a songwriting partnership that drew on their disparate folk, grunge, punk, and country influences. In 2023, they moved to Chicago and added Ben Goldenberg (bass) and Carys Uribe (drums) to the project.

“Between GA” is intense and melodic — like the best indie rock from the 2010s, there’s a smorgasboard of influences but the commitment to the song itself rises above it all. Amidst the emotional intensity there’s a sense of discipline that makes Truth or Consequences stand out.

“I wanted my voice to sound like I was being pulled apart,” explains singer Jack Parker. “I wrote the lyrics at a time when I was getting serious about making music in Chicago, feeling a growing sense of responsibility for this band, which was always strictly a love of mine. It made me realize that there’s a burden in everything that I seriously love. As the band started taking more of my focus, I felt like I was being pulled in equal part by my love for this group and my commitment to them, and I wanted to explore that feeling. I liked how the dual guitar parts worked together in stereo, but we didn’t figure out the scream-your-head-off sound until Carys brought in their drum part shortly after joining the band. We found a lot of our energy for the record in Carys’s playing and wanted it front and center on this track.”

The band’s next EP, This Time of Year, will be out on April 11th

Truth Or Consequences New Mexico — Spotify | Bandcamp | Instagram

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