There’s going to be plenty of stuff to stress about over the next four years, but Katie Schecter has a message: “Pay It No Mind.” Raised in New York and now based in Nashville, Schecter has crafted a timeless sound that is effortlessly cool. “Pay it No Mind” slinks into our ears with an indefatigable groove.

In fact, Schecter wrote the song in its entirety while sitting behind the drum kit. “That’s not my typical approach to writing, but I’d been listening to Bill Withers ‘Use Me Up’ on repeat just after he had passed, and I was pretending I was James Gadson (falling short obviously), and ended up landing on a groove that felt right and sang aloud to the beat. I put chords to it afterward.”
In our interview, Schecter shares more about her approach to songwriting.
Name a perfect song and tell us why you feel that way.
It would obviously have to be something by The Beatles…”I’ve Just Seen A Face.” Out of the gate, a masterful intro and swirling sense of urgency. McCartney’s vocal, the excited pace and seamlessness of his lyrics, as if someone has just taken his breath away, and you’re the first person he’s coming across to tell. Oof, and the seemingly accidental, but perfectly intentional third chorus gives me butterflies in my stomach, like falling in love at first sight. Two minutes of sonic perfection.
How do you manage having a good time at shows, but also trying to stay mentally and physically fit?
I quit drinking at 25 because I didn’t have an off switch, so I cut it out entirely – best decision I ever made for my mental health. If a show is good then it’s good, I don’t need to alter my perspective to enjoy it. And if I’m not digging it, I roll.
Is there a professional “bucket list” item you would love to check off?
So many. I want to tour in Europe and South America. I want to perform on late night television. I want to write songs with my heroes. I want to make a record in another country.
I could go on…
Do you have any songwriting tips you can share?
Surround yourself with art and artists who inspire you. Fill your cup and nourish all of your senses. I always keep a journal, when something feels valid I write it down even if i don’t know where or how it will fit into the music I’m working on.
What 5 albums are you going to make your kid listen to and why?
My husband and I play records constantly, and our daughter at two-and-a-half-years-old has incredible taste. She’s definitely the one dictating what we listen to. Some of her favorites albums right now are
- David Bowie (Pinups)
- The Stooges (Raw Power)
- Jacqueline Taïeb (Jacqueline Taïeb)
- Leon Bridges (Leon)
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