INTERVIEW: Afton Wolfe Finds the Magic in Hidden Signs on Ophiuchus

Afton Wolfe has his finger on a mystical pulse with his ongoing project Ophiuchus. Wolfe will be dropping a new song with each turning of the zodiac calendar, with a focus on the “missing” sign Ophiuchus. The Nashville-based singer-songwriter wields his powerful gravelly tone on his latest song, “Forgive Yourself,” like a standard. The sinewy groove asks us not to take ourselves — or our mistakes — so seriously. In our interview, Wolfe explains the impetus behind the project and the power of art to save us all.

Afton Wolfe by John Partipilo

Explain the title of your album.

Ophiuchus is the title of the album. It’s the missing Sign in the known Zodiac. From November 30 through around December 17, each year of the recent past and near future, the Sun travels through the Constellation dubbed “The Serpent Bearer” – Ophiuchus. This “13th Sign” is crucial and crucially underappreciated. The Serpent Bearer – Ophiuchus is often associated with Medicine and Danger in the various cultural interpretations that have addressed it as a Constellation. The Snake’s Venom can be measured out carefully to cure, or it can be dispensed aggressively to poison.

It is my Position that the Venom of the Serpent, in context of poisoning or curing this World, is Art – Music, Literature, Poetry, Theatre, Film, and all the assorted Visual Arts. Because Attention is the most powerful Force in this Universe – dismissed by the dogmatic materialists, even though they are the ones who discovered that Attention changes the Nature of Light from a Wave to a Particle. Humanity has surrendered to systems of economics and trade and power and politics and individualism, because some of the People who understand the Power of Attention have manipulated it for their own material advantages.

It is now a Tool of the powerful interests in our Society to keep Us distracted – not to do what it is actually for – to inspire and connect Us.

Does your album have an overarching theme?

The theme of the album revolves more around the release of the Songs and the Art than the individual Songs themselves, though there is a Purpose for each Song coordinating with each Constellation and coinciding Mythology. Each Song is being revealed as the Sun goes through each Constellation, and not when the newspaper says to which each Horoscope sign says, but according to Astronomy.

How are you using your platform to support marginalized people?

I consistently try to use Music to help People (and Animals) in every way I can, and I’m proud to volunteer my Time and Energy (and any Talent someone may perceive) to volunteer for causes such as Second Harvest Food Bank, Beat 4 Life Songwriting with Prisoners, Heart in Hands Critters Rescue, Melodic Caring and others. All of these problems are socioeconomic issues, which obviously affect marginalized peoples disproportionately. But I also think that Music and Art are the solution to our problems, so I believe that Everyone in this Fight is doing the work for Justice and Peace.

What have you missed about touring?

There are so many things I enjoy about touring. I love showing up early to empty bars that smell like last night’s show. I love getting to know the bartender for a little while and checking out the neighborhood around the venue. I love when I get to tag a venue with my little trademark stencil. But obviously, the thing I love the most, and the thing I miss most, is being on the stage and playing the Song with my friends. It’s cliché because it’s true, but the life I love is making Music with my Friends.

How do you manage having a good time at shows, but also trying to stay mentally and physically fit?

I don’t know how successful I am, but I have two rules for shows that are at least tangentially related to mental and physical health. First, I have to be on an empty stomach. It gets me in the zone, literally “hungry” but moreso, it gives me the confidence to really sing from my gut. And when I do that on a full stomach, the result have been precarious. It’s probably not all that healthy to pig out right after the show, but it often happens. The second rule I comply with is to take my first drink on stage, so I don’t get intoxicated before the show starts.

Afton Wolfe — Official, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify

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