Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 157

Mary Halvorson - Code Girl

Rachel is snow-blind and annoyed! So only one thing is new. But also, there’s lots of jazz, country, and rock in this week’s episode — just a fun smorgasbord of everything! Album of the Week: Mary Halvorson –– Code Girl…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 156

Pony Bradshaw - Calico Jim

As always, this episode is PACKED with country, punk, blues, pretty much anything you want. Bella co-hosts, plus we get an interview with the delightful Bronte Fall! Album of the Week: Pony Bradshaw –– Calico Jim This album is rife…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 155

Mostly mellow vibes this week and a quick correction: I did, in fact, play King of the Tramps’ latest album on Episode 89 of Adobe & Teardrops, way back when.   Mike Meehan and The Lucky Ones — “Cross to…