Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 130

Are you ready to hear about small adventures, small pups prepping for adventures, country, blues, folk, and jazz fusion? Buckle up! And remember that all Patreon and Ko-fi donations this month go to the Trans Justice Funding Project! Album of…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 129

Rachel had a beach day! And watched baseball! It’s *almost* like it’s summer. And remember! All Patreon and Ko-fi proceeds these month go to the Trans Justice Funding Project! Album of the Week: Stephie James –– These Days   I…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 128

Sometimes you just need to take a mental health break! It’s all good…we have a refrigerator on the way. Also, I’m starting a new thing! I’m going to feature an album each episode! Album of the Week: Samantha Crain ––…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 127

Rachel has some mysterious bug bites (uh-oh) and some thoughts on Lady Antebellum. Remember to sign up for the Patreon or shoot me a Ko-fi this month — all the proceeds will go to the Trans Justice Funding Project! Paul…