Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 117

Thank you to those who performed and donated at the 9th Anniversary show! Here’s the GoFundMe link if you’d still like to support undocumented students and their families in New York State. This episode was late because I’ve spent the…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 116

Don’t forget! RSVP for Adobe & Teardrops’ 9th Anniversary livestream bash here! Lucinda Williams — “Man Without a Soul” (Good Souls Better Angels) Wares — “Survival” (Survival) The Revenue Man — “My Own Eulogy” (25 Years Behind) Norma MacDonald —…

HEY! ATTEND: Let My People Go Benefit Concert

If you’ve been listening to my podcast or following my social medias, you know I’ve been fundraising for the Let My People Go campaign. Immigrants have been the targets and scapegoats of the last few administrations — not just Trump’s.…