Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 67

 Of fathers, tenements, and soggy feet. And, of course, music!  Loamlands — “Soni Wolf Grandmother” (Lez Dance) Tim Vantol – “Till The End” (Burning Desires) Slingshot Dakota — “Lungs” (Heavy Banding) Grand Canyon – “Standing In The Shadows” (Le Grand…

Cait Darcy — Friends: Old and New

I’ve mentioned a few times now that I’ve been looking to shake up my listening routine a bit. I’ve been doing a deep, deep dive into the South Jersey/Philly punk scene and, friends, I hope you’re excited about the vibe…

Femi Taiwo — “Space For My Guitar”

Sometimes, songs just need to speak for themselves. That’s true of Femi Taiwo’s “Space For My Guitar,” a truly cosmic blend of blues and hip-hop that elegantly delineates the bridge between the generation of great bluesmen and great hypemen. Taiwo’s…

Loamlands — Lez Dance

Sometimes, you’re lucky enough to go to a concert that changes your life. You know that, or you wouldn’t be reading this. You know how rare that can be, as well. There are shows where people play music. And then…