Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 32

Is Von real? Is he who he truly who he says he is?! Or is he “good friends” with Tim Tracker? Also, tourists and busses are just the worst combo. Lastly, the knockout game. Also, here’s Von’s interview with Brian…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 31

Von and Rachel talk spiritual experiences, though Von’s was at Disney World. As always, though, there’s lots of music to listen to and it’s all great. Jack Ellis – “The Barrel Of Your Gun” (Out Of Luck) Lauren Balthrop, “Down”…

Lauren Balthrop — This Time Around

This Time Around is inspired, in part, by the current political climate. Here’s the thing, though — it’s not what you’re thinking. It’s a meditation on being unmoored and how to handle it, but you won’t find politics here. Instead,…

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 30

Von’s sleepy. Rachel saw Romeo and Juliet. Projection is important. Also, bands — send us your bios!!! Anyway, here’s some more excellent music thoughtfully curated by your pals.  Escape The Future – “Forever Now” (Forever Now EP) Eli Conley –…