The Kansas-Nebraska Act — Music For Small Jazz Ensemble
It’s finals and I work at a university, so you can imagine that there’s just a lot of stress in the air. My officemate had a student sobbing at her desk for an hour and change. So it’s a good…
It’s finals and I work at a university, so you can imagine that there’s just a lot of stress in the air. My officemate had a student sobbing at her desk for an hour and change. So it’s a good…
Holy smokes is this album fantastic. A jazzy, animal-inspired concept album might not sound enticing on the surface, but if you’re a regular reader here then you’ve got trust me on this one: People Are Animals is one of the…
What a difference a year makes. As it turns out, the Ladyshark review I posted last week was for the band’s first album. Lovesick was released last Thursday and it shows exponential growth in the band’s sound. Both albums are…
You Had Me at Goodbye characterizes my initial relationship with this album. When I heard Samantha Crain had a new album out, I was incredibly stoked. I had been blown away by Under Branch and Thorn Tree and couldn’t wait…
They say it takes your whole life to write your debut album, and Ruby Force’s Evolutionary War demonstrates a lot of hard work and discipline. She was clearly good and ready when she entered the studio. This album almost feels…