Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

INTERVIEW: Pete Mancini

Longtime friend of the blog, Pete Mancini, was kind enough to give us insights on his fantastic new album, Foothill Freeway. Thanks, Pete! — Foothill Freeway is a really impressive body of work. So where, exactly, are you from and…

Matthew Ryan — Hustle Up Starlings

If John Moreland’s latest album paints in bold scarlets and golds, Matthew Ryan’s Hustle Up Starlings paints on the same canvas but with silver and blues. This is an album for a twilight in the summer, that murky ten minutes…

Music Roundup

The new normal is a smorgasborg of music from SubmitHub! Penny’s got a surprisingly upbeat spins on people like yours truly, the classic curmudgeon. Penny — Official  Veltlite has a captivating song that straddles Gothic Americana, industrial, and pop. Come…

Music Roundup

Here’s another round of singles through SubmitHub! This has been a good way to find out about a wide range of artists and genres that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. Hope you enjoy! First up, Ashlee Cain hails from the…

John Moreland — Big Bad Luv

This is the John Moreland album I’ve been waiting for. I still maintain that Everything the Hard Way is my favorite album, possibly ever, but Big Bad Luv is certainly in a close second (at least in terms of his…