Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Kate Vargas — “Second Skin”

I got back from Jazz Fest on Sunday night. Thought I’d have some time to write posts during my down time, but instead a slept, played with my friend’s pet bunny, and ignored the fact that I had brought 50…

Gay Ole Oprey Tour

I’ve been pretty apathetic about the recent spate of anti-trans* laws sweeping the South. I mean to say that I’ve been upset, but beyond reading an article here or there I haven’t done anything about it. I haven’t donated money…

The Grisly Hand — Flesh & Gold

The Grisly Hand is one of the first bands I’ve reviewed on the blog, and it’s exciting to see them continue to evolve. While the band proved themselves adept at writing country-inflected tunes, Flesh & Gold sees the group transitioning into…