Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Porter — This Red Mountain

Today, my students broke my heart. Not only did they accuse me of looking like a tourist, but they asked me who Paul McCartney was. And Ella Fitzgerald. Of the three, I’m not sure which cuts the most. Anyway. It’s…

American Aquarium — Wolves

Like many people, American Aquarium entered my radar with Burn. Flicker. Die. I recently had a loss in my family, and that’s the album that got me through it. Not because it’s sad, but because it’s about rejecting where you’ve…

Andy and the Pandy’s — It Only Gets Darker

Did you need to listen to some emotionally frustrated, introspective, twangy punk? That’s why you’re here. That’s why this blog is here. So you can find out about bands like Andy and the Pandy’s. Andy and the Pandy’s get down…

Honey and the 45s — MAD

If the sassy blues riff and catchy harmonies on “MAD” don’t pull you in to Honey and the 45s’ new EP, nothing will. The band effortlessly glides between jazz, soul, rock, and blues. This is easily the most fun album…