Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

M. Lockwood Porter — 27

I’ve been playing the living fuck out of M. Lockwood Porter’s 27. He shared a private Soundcloud playlist with “the media” last week and, based on the play counts, I can tell I’m not the only one. Let me explain…

JAPAN 2014: Gui Gui Sui Sui

As it turned out, the oft-lauded Gui Gui Sui Sui had a concert in Tokyo during my last night in Japan. It’s amazing to think that a Yank and a Brit could travel halfway around the planet just to see…

Killing Off Characters — Pigs

We interrupt our mini tour of Japan for catching up on grading, lesson planning, and an electronica trio called Killing Off Characters. When James sent his music my way, he noted that he wasn’t sure if it fit on the…