Interrupted for Technical Difficulties
Hi, folks. Sorry about the lack of content. Something’s up with the Internet at home. However, I have a video of one of Two Cow Garage’s new songs and hope to upload it when I can!
Hi, folks. Sorry about the lack of content. Something’s up with the Internet at home. However, I have a video of one of Two Cow Garage’s new songs and hope to upload it when I can!
Last year I pratfell in love with Doc Feldman and the LD50. As it turns out, one of my favorite songs from the album was actually written by a (younger?) and more hopeful group of humans. Doc made “Battle Hymn”…
I thought I’d take a break from writing about music to write about my other love: teaching. There’s a reason for this. Since that Daily Beast article I’ve expanded my readership. Since Howard Wolfson is a former Bloomberg politico, I’ve…
This is a week that’s made me consider moving to Columbus, OH. First of all, there was Lydia Loveless’s explosive new album, then I saw Two Cow Garage last night — an am looking forward to seeing them again on…
It never ceases to amaze me just how much we can accomplish with the Internets. Shareef Ali’s blog is fascinating reading on my end — it gives perspective on just how much electronic pavement musicians have to pound these days.…