Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

The Basics: Xylos

So let’s be real. Looking at Xylos’ photo, they don’t exactly look like the typical band featured here on Adobe and Teardrops. Namely, because they look kind of…trendy. And their music is certainly not what you’ve been reading about either…

FREE MUSIC: The Attic Stairs

There are lots of things that make me proud of my alma mater. Unfortunately, our bands were not one of those things. Granted, we’ve got plenty of talented musicians. We have more a cappella groups per capita than any college…

The Basics: Two Cow Garage

For me, Two Cow Garage is one of those essential bands – the band that serves as a node to other, similar music. Over the past few years, Two Cow Garage has solidified their own, distinctive sound. However, their roots…