Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

FREE MUSIC: Thee Shambels

I don’t really get Southern gothic stuff. There are a few reasons for this: 1) I’m not a Southerner, 2) I may be a little cynical (I mean, I’m from New York City forcryinoutloud), but I’m not morbid, and 3)…


Even if you don’t like bluegrass (who are you?), it’s hard to resist The Creak’s charm. I mean, look at them. They’re so dapper! The San Francisco-based quintet plays as if they’re of one mind. Their humorous lyrics remind me…

FREE MUSIC: Soviet Bear and Foul Weathered Friend

An early entry and more free music! This 5-track split, Fool’s Gold is brought to you by Tim Browne (Soviet Bear) of the Fort Collins, CO-based punk band Elway, and Steve-O (Foul Weathered Friends) of The Holy Mess, from my adopted…

FREE MUSIC: Empty Orchestra

In case you haven’t noticed, SOPA and PIPA are dangerously close to becoming a reality. Here’s Bryan Childs of Ninebullets’ explanation as to why stopping SOPA is important. If you haven’t had a chance to sign a petition or five…