Category New Music

VIDEO: Jeremy Squires — The Gift

Jeremy Squires is surely about to release a stunner of an album. While Poem doesn’t yet have a release date, he’s released a number of singles that have me quite excited. In “Gift,” Squires reckons with loss and nostalgia in…

Flood County — We’ll Be Fine

Things are a bit stressful right now, but Flood County will slow you down. These songs aren’t happy by any means — it’s a classic country album, why would you think otherwise? But the mellow harmonies of Stewart Peck and…

Mark Currey — Tarrant County

There’s an old adage that it takes a lifetime to write a first album, but in Mark Currey’s case, that’s more than true. We became Facebook friends recently and Currey is a new grandfather. And Tarrant County this is his…