Category New Music

The Roseline — Blood

The Roseline have been around a while, and that shows in Blood‘s DNA. I wouldn’t call it bar rock, though it has that driving beat and sticky nostalgia that has defined many bands before them. But these songs are reserved…

Worriers — Survival Pop

I’d like to issue a formal apology to all of the artists who are waiting for me to review their work, but I’m packing it in. Between Survival Pop and Worriers’ first album, Imaginary Life (which I thought I’d written…

Anna Tivel — Small Believer

This is post 1100-something and it is still a truth universally acknowledged (by me) that Tivel’s previous album, Heroes Waking Up, is one of the best albums I have listened to in the past five years. That album tells larger-than-life…

Morning Music!

1. Carver Commodore — “Ring Ain’t Free” is a meditation on maturity that brings the funk without the masturbatory solos. 2. Captains of April — “Groovy Tuesday” leads from an expansive intro into a crisp pop-punk banger. 3. Dar Stellabotta…