Category New Music

Cory Branan — Adios

Cory Branan’s pretty all over the place. If you’ve ever seen him live, you know that he’s a madcap, adventurous soul, musically and otherwise. If you haven’t seen a Cory Branan show, it’s worth it. (I meant to see him…

The Creak — You Got Eyes

If nothing else, the Creak always wins points for presentation, as can be seen in the record they sent me. If that doesn’t explain the Creak to you, then perhaps an album will. The Creak’s quirky sense of humor extends…

Nana Grizol — Ursa Minor

Defiance, Ohio is one of those bands that I should listen to, given how much I love their side projects, but haven’t gotten around to. Theo Hilton’s new album, Ursa Minor, is a much-needed album for these days. Nana Grizol…

Bunch — Forever My Sparring Partner

Heath Underwood’s previous project, El Cantador, periodically resurfaces in my internal radio years after listening to their album. Underwood’s new project, Bunch, is re-entering the Southern psychedelia market at just the right time. From hip hop to country, there’s no…