Category Review

Morning Music!

I just got back from my first vacation in about a year. And since I’ve switched up my routine, here’s a list of songs that are a little out of my wheel house. Von Bieker sets banjos and acoustic guitars…

Panther Hollow — People Synesthesia

I was in high school during the Great Indie Rock Revival and, I gotta say…I don’t really miss it. I know we were all processing our collective trauma after 9/11, but I could just never get behind the wafty guitars,…

Music Roundup!

For those of you in the US, I hope everyone had a restful Memorial Day weekend! Canadian duet Moscow Apartment prove that the kids are alright — the self-described feminist duo had barely finished their first year in high school…

Morning Music

It’s rainy and gross here in New York, but these songs lift my mood. Jared Rabin kicks us off with the strident anthem “Something Left to Say.” Matthew O’Neill‘s “Alzheimer Blues” takes my deepest fear and grief and turns it…