Category Blog

Ben Fisher — Does the Land Remember Me?

I had just met this woman and I was terrified that I was going to offend her. We were at a neighborhood meetup in Washington Heights, a neighborhood in Northern Manhattan that has a long-standing Jewish community. She’s about thirty…

Hello, Flamecon!

Hi, all! If you’re visiting from FlameCon, welcome! You can find out more about my comic, Artema, here. You can also follow me on Instagram at @artemathecomic! Feel free to poke around and listen to my alt-country podcast or read…

Jesse Daniel — Jesse Daniel

On a later episode of his podcast Cocaine and Rhinestones, Tyler Mahan Coe discusses the question of authenticity in country music. (btdubs, you should absolutely listen to the first season if and when you’ve caught up with our podcast.) Mahan…