Category Blog

Mavis Staples — “MLK Song”

I don’t have too many words to reflect on King Day today. Certainly there are many more eloquent pieces out there. Mavis Staples, though, has lived the Civil Rights Movement. And so the best words today are those that come…

Shadow of Comfort — Not From Here

I have a soft spot for Albaquerque. It’s not the prettiest city, but Sadie’s does have the best salsa this side of the Rio Grande and, of course, it’s hard to top watching the sun play off of Mount Sandia…

G.L.O.S.S. — Trans Day of Revenge

I slept on this band and I’m sorry I did. Girls Living Outside of Society’s Shit is/was remarkable for sticking to their guns. GLOSS was unapologetically trans*, feminist, and intersectional — shattering preconceptions of who makes hardcore punk and who…