Category Blog

Kate Vargas — Strangeclaw

Kate Vargas’ distinctive voice has already been featured here several times. Her singles have been fun, glossy interpretations of Americana music. I was very excited to listen to her newest album, Strangeclaw, so I could hear her stretch out to…

Amythyst Kiah — Dig

Amythyst Kiah is going to be famous. That’s the first thing Karen (of Karen and the Sorrows) told me, and when I heard her perform life this past Friday I knew it to be true. No less than Toshi Reagon…

Lynn Drury — Come To My House

When Paul Sanchez tells you that someone is the best rhythm guitarist they’ve ever played with, you pay attention. Due to the events referred to in my previous series, Your Twenties Are a Motherfucker, etc etc I’m only just now…

Chris Staples — Golden Age

Bill Waterson once famously noted that “People who get nostalgia about childhood were obviously never children.” Chris Staples (not to be confused with Chris Stapleton) seems to have applied that maxim to early adulthood in Golden Age (thus concluding our…