Category Blog

Kate Vargas — “Second Skin”

I got back from Jazz Fest on Sunday night. Thought I’d have some time to write posts during my down time, but instead a slept, played with my friend’s pet bunny, and ignored the fact that I had brought 50…

Gay Ole Oprey Tour

I’ve been pretty apathetic about the recent spate of anti-trans* laws sweeping the South. I mean to say that I’ve been upset, but beyond reading an article here or there I haven’t done anything about it. I haven’t donated money…

Robbie Fulks — Upland Stories

800 is a nice round number, and so it is with pleasure that for my 800th post, I present Robbie Fulks’ remarkable album, Upland Stories. Fulks has a long and storied career that I’m going to have to investigate. Regardless…