Category Blog

John Moreland — High on Tulsa Heat

Given my own emotional state lately, I was a little nervous about listening to the new John Moreland album. Could I really handle another beautifully phrased litany of personal failures? I was happy to find that High on Tulsa Heat…

Moonage Shine — lord, i must be stoned

The Moonage Shine has released another delightfully weird EP. With three EPs/albums under their belt, it’s fair to say that these guys are consistent fantastic. Some people might be put off by the Moonage Shine’s willful flouting of folk and…

The Write Brothers — First Flight

What happens when a group of New Orleans songwriters at their primes sit around a kitchen table and shoot the shit? They create a Voltron of top-notch music. The Write Brothers consist of Spencer Bohren, Jim McCormick, Alex McMurray, and…