Category Blog

Maynard and the Musties — West

Maynard and the Musties sound like kicking road dust off your boots and spitting out the grit of your teeth. Tough stuff, but satisfying because you know you’ve reached your destination and you’re about to pour yourself a tall tumbler…

Gone Drinkin’

Folks, I’m going to the Land of Beer for a week. (Germany, that is.) In the meantime, enjoy Charles Hale’s weekly radio show, the Ajax Diner Book Club. Charles writes for Ninebullets and is basically the man. Ajax Diner Book…

Dirty Streets — Blades of Grass

I have not yet finished listening to the Dirty Streets’ Blades of Grass, but I can honestly say this is a fucking great album. The cover art pretty much tells you what you need to know. (By the way, it…

Tedo Stone — Good Go Bad

I know that you’re supposed to judge art on its own merit, but sometimes an artist’s backstory makes for good reading. And it makes their work that much better. Tedo Stone’s debut album, Good Go Bad, is one of those…