Category Blog

The Sometimes Family — Fun With Heartbreak

It is a universally known fact that music writers are terrible writers. Prone to cliches, platitudes, and gross generalizations, we burden ourselves with the task of describing the intangible qualities of the music we try to make you buy. So…

The Sometimes Boys — Fire and Ice

I hesitate to use the word “experimental” when it comes to music. To me, “experimental” means a bunch of people noodling around on their instruments while ignoring silly concepts of Western music like “melody” and “keys.” I guess it’s because…

Herman Put Down the Gun — EP

Sonia Tetlow just released a few songs from one of her previous (or should I say latent?) projects, Herman Put Down the Gun. And you should listen to it. Not only does the cover conveniently match the color palate on…

Johnny Hickman — Tilting

Hey! Listen! It’s not too late to win your very own digital download of The Sparklers’ new album. And since nobody has entered the contest so far, if you comment you’ll have a 100% chance of winning! But on to…