Search Results for label/The Rev

Kent Goolsby — Trophies of Youth

Kent Goolsby comes out swinging on his third album, Trophies of Youth. If his warm, raspy voice sounds familiar, it’s because you heard him front the unfortunately defunct The Only Sons. Goolsby is really excellent at creating moods. All three…

Larabee — Expose a Little Wire

There’s something a-brewin’ in Philly, and I rather like it. The Sparklers and The Miners (my two new favorite bands since starting this blog, incidentally) are shining examples of alt-country revival. Add Larabee to the list. The only critique I…

Great Wild Heartache — Comanche Girl EP

Hey, folks. This week is basically hellacious so here’s a quick update with some news tidbits! First, Great Wild Heartache, whom I reviewed a few days ago, just realized another EP! It’s a few live tracks and it’s essentially a…