Tag Cheap Music

Brooks Dixon — White Roses

EPs don’t often cover as much ground as Brooks Dixon’s White Roses, which should tell you a little bit about Dixon’s songcraft. The EP is his third release, and that shows with the gentle strength behind each of these songs,…

Dustin Price — Sleep It Off

For every artist you see featured here, there’s at least 99 whom I chose not to write about. If I had received any one of the songs on Dustin Price’s Sleep It Off, I would’ve known instantly that it was…

Kurt Leege — Sleepytime Guitar

I have an oddly specific memory of listening to the Sometimes Boys’ Fire and Ice — cooking dinner in my first apartment in between preparing for the next day’s class. One degree, a career change, and two apartments later, the…

Thigh High Tye Dye — T.H.T.D EP

Nashville might not be the most likely place to find a surf rock band, but I hear Nashville’s different now. Maybe they even have a beach? Even if they don’t, Thigh High Tye Dye will help you find some sun…

Darth Nater — People Are Animals

Holy smokes is this album fantastic. A jazzy, animal-inspired concept album might not sound enticing on the surface, but if you’re a regular reader here then you’ve got trust me on this one: People Are Animals is one of the…