VIDEO: Anielle Reid — Better

Anielle Reid, bano-playing-pop-singer extraordinaire reminds us that heartbreak is universal in her recent (as of 5 months ago — sorry) video, “Better.” Anielle Reid — Official, Facebook, Name your price on her site

Kristina Stykos — Horse Thief

Kristina Stykos’ latest relief, Horse Thief, is a trip through decades of American music, as well as her own life. Stykos is most at home with folk music, but many of the songs on Horse Thief incorporate Southern rock’n’roll and…

Melaena Cadiz — Sunfair

Melaena Cadiz’s first album, Rattle the Windows, was probably the first album I bought because of a review on Ninebullets. (The first of many, thankfully.) In short, I’ve been a fan of Cadiz since before this blog was a glimmer…

INTERVIEW: Kate Vargas

 Kate Vargas is grabbing everyone’s attention with her single “Call Back the Dogs.” The simple blues riff is buttressed by Vargas’ distinctive voice and casually graceful lyrics. Vargas was gracious enough to take a moment to reflect on her varied…

Caleb Caudle — Carolina Ghost

I waited to write about Caleb Caudle’s masterful release until I had seen him in concert. When introducing the music to a potential (ahem) acquaintance, she appreciated the “Carolina-ness” of his sound. I take that comment to mean Caudle and…

VIDEO: Samantha Crain — Killer

A few months ago I wrote about Samantha Crain’s moving, timely album Under Branch & Thorn Tree. Today I’d like to share the moving music video that accompanies Crain’s protest song, “Killer.” While the song itself addresses the deadly slow…