Buffalo Clover — Test Your Love

If you’re a horn player, it seems like it’s a good time to ply your trade down South. In their new album, Buffalo Clover makes liberal use of brass trio The Nashville Horns. The band also got a bump from…

Alanna Gurr and the Greatest State — Late at Night

Alanna Gurr’s voice is immediately arresting. Pair that with the laidback, folk-inspired indie rock and you’ve got yourself some truly hypnotic music. I don’t have much ink to spill on this one — Late at Night is frighteningly easy to…

Great Mutations — Cheap Stuff

What the hell is going on upstate New York? Earlier today you read about The Lucky Jukebox Brigade, who are based in Albany. By pure coincidence, Great Mutations (a very different type of band) is based in Troy, NY. I’m…