Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Adobe & Teardrops: Episode 16

It’s been a long day of meetings but Von and Rachel muster up the energy to deliver more amazing music to you! Along the way, they talk about zine fests, evil children, free comic book day, and #PatreonGoals. Neighbor Lady,…

Brenna Sahatjian — Knotted Orbits

Knotted Orbits is one of those albums that is breathtaking in its density. Brenna Sahatjian brilliantly weaves punk and folk together, adding tense chamber string arrangements to ratchet up the song’s emotional stakes. This is not an easy album to…

Leon III — Leon III

They tell you not to judge a book by its cover, but the album art for Leon III’s self-titled debut is one of those rare instances where the concrete image encapsulates the abstract sounds of the music. Leon III is…

Neighbor Lady — Maybe Later

It’s almost summer, which means it’s high time for sun-kissed, punk-tinged rock. Athens, GA’s Neighbor Lady is here to deliver with hooks tasty enough to sink your teeth into. While the songs are jangly, the lyrics are anything but. In…

Adobe and Teardrops: Episode 15

In an unexpectedly, spicy episode, Von and Rachel take a deep dive into lesbian sex scenes in prestige dramas (Disobedience) and dead superheroes (Avengers). Rachel has some exciting news for the podcast and site. Also, bizarre podcast sponsorships, what our…