Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Blank Range — Marooned With the Treasure

Listening to Blank Range is like scratching a particularly annoying itch: sooooooooooooo refreshing and, more importantly, sooooooooooo satisfying. The band’s got a clear hodgepodge of influences: a little bit of Gaslight Anthem, a little bit of Steve Earle, a little…

Music Roundup 8/29!

1. “A Chance to Fly” by Scott Jackson is a warm song that suggests that, even though it’s off of Jackson’s debut album, this isn’t his first rodeo by a long shot. 2. John Dominy‘s “Bootstraps” reminds me of the…

WATCH A MOVIE: The Shopkeeper

There’s no question that the music industry is flailing — now even the streaming giants like Spotify and Pandora that destabilized things in the first are becoming victims of their own success and record companies are beginning to gain the…

Music Roundup!

I get most of the songs for these playlists from a site called SubmitHub and my queue is…overloaded to say the least. So I’ll be posting a playlist every day through the end of September (or until I run out…