Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

The Savage Poor — The Grownups

I don’t think this album could have come at a better time. If you stuck the Replacements, David Bowie, and John Prine in a blender, slowed them all down with some codeine, and let them stumble woozily around, you’d get…

The Everyday Sinners — Shakedown

The Everyday Sinners proudly marches in a long and distinguished lineage of British protest music that combine celebration with hard truth. The chug-a-lug of the bass and nimble rhythm guitars throw back to American roadhouses and gospel churches, but the…

PREMIERE: Anna Volpe — “Never Imagine”

Anna Volpe’s “Never Imagine” is a touching tribute to her father, but it’s also a whole lot more than that. You may recognize Volpe’s dulcet tones from the background in Paisley Fields songs. Volpe’s heading out on her own and…

Zini — Zini

This isn’t quite like anything that’s usually featured on Adobe & Teardrops, but it’s so intriguing I had to share. Particularly on a week like this, Zini’s blend of Middle Eastern music with 90s-style alt-rock is a reminder of the…