Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Music Roundup!

1. Clouds and Thorns bring us lush, dreamy harmonies that combine beautiful picking and ambient synths — the best of both worlds. 2. I’m always a sucker for good songs about New Orleans. Tony Manard‘s “Walking Down Magazine” is one…

Music Roundup!

1. Midwestern Exposure‘s “Spike Drivin’ Man” is a lackadaisical take on the “train as social progress” metaphor. It works quite nicely, particularly with the band’s ever-so-off-kilter vocals. 2. Sheron‘s “Small Life” is gorgeous, plain and simple. I don’t have much…

Parker’s Back — Tied To You

I wish Tied To You was about two or three times as long as it is. Four songs is just not long enough to fully dig in to Parker’s Back(‘s???) dense, melodic pop punk. When I say “pop punk,” I…

Michael Lyon — Pictures

I’ve been churning out two reviews a day to keep abreast of my to-do list and I’m still barely caught up. (There’s now only a 2-month wait time between when I get a song and when I write about it…