Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Music Roundup!

1. Rich Krueger‘s “In Between Kingfish” is a heartfelt ballad. If you caught Tuesday’s playlist, it’s clear that Krueger is not to be missed. 2. “The Well” by I, Anomaly takes me back (fondly!) to some of the rock acts…

The Greys — The Landing

I know this is often a roots blog but IT’S MY BLOG and it’s ALMOST MY BIRTHDAY so I can do whatever I want. When I came across The Greys I immediately purchased their album. It’s that good. Also, while…

Music Roundup!

1. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in Elisa‘s “Då Vieåsen Var Verda” because it’s entirely in Norwegian and I don’t have any info on the band. But it’s certainly a fun song to listen to. 2. Marijuana Sweet…