Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Two Cow Garage — Brand New Flag

I typically like to review albums once they’ve been released, but watching the second presidential debate before reviewing Two Cow Garage’s latest release Brand New Flag (due Thursday) seemed fitting. When my one-percenter, Trump-supporting dad is, without irony, discussing the…

John Calvin Abney — Far Cries and Close Calls

There must be something about Tulsa that inspires thoughtful alt-country. Not sure what, though, considering it is (to me understanding) the least pedestrian-friendly and most obese city in the country. But it’s given us John Moreland, M. Lockwood Porter, and…

Happy Talk Band — Starve a Fever

Alex McMurray is involved in so many projects (many of which have been featured here), it would be easy to assume that he’s the only guitarist in New Orleans. That would certainly be true if you were an attendee of…

Chris Stalcup and the Grange — Downhearted Fools

We’ve seen it a million times over — when an artist hits it big, they change their sound so they can either be taken seriously or garner mass appeal. Chris Stalcup isn’t interested in that. (Though he isn’t necessarily “big”…