Happy Talk Band — Starve a Fever
Alex McMurray is involved in so many projects (many of which have been featured here), it would be easy to assume that he’s the only guitarist in New Orleans. That would certainly be true if you were an attendee of…
Alex McMurray is involved in so many projects (many of which have been featured here), it would be easy to assume that he’s the only guitarist in New Orleans. That would certainly be true if you were an attendee of…
It’s pretty common to see people dancing along to their music on the subway. I find myself fascinated by the many bubbles we lock ourselves into, made transparent when someone taps their feet or sings along with a choice lyric.…
We’ve seen it a million times over — when an artist hits it big, they change their sound so they can either be taken seriously or garner mass appeal. Chris Stalcup isn’t interested in that. (Though he isn’t necessarily “big”…
I was 13 on September 11, 2001. As a Jewish kid in private schools, that mean that my weekends for the next two years were dominated by bat and bar mitzvahs. We’d go to synagogue in the morning, the kid…
Before we get into the video, I’d like to announce that I’m changing the update schedule to Monday, Wednesday, Friday since it hasn’t been daily in quite some time. Last year, teaching took over my life a little too much…