Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Mount Moriah — How to Dance

Mount Moriah has come a long way from its scrappy punk days, though the seeds for How to Dance were always there. How to Dance is truly monumental. It amps up that engrossing feeling the band pioneered in Miracle Temple;…

Vamanos — Presents…a Ten Inch at 45 RPMs

Von over at Americana Rock Mix likes to start off his (excellent) podcast with that quote from Freaks and Geeks: “Rock’n’roll don’t come from your brain! It comes from your crotch!” That’s very much true of blues punk duo Vamanos.…

Bishops — Dream Easy

What do you do when the thing you love most doesn’t seem to love you back? That’s the central question of Bishops’ latest release, Dream Easy. The title seems to have a double meaning to me. Bishops’ wall-of-sound approach to…

Ben Trickey — Choke & Croon

Three years was far too long to wait a new Ben Trickey album. His debut, Rising Waters, was one of my favorites of 2013 and continues to be a standby, even three years later. But maybe three years was the…