Rachel Cholst

Rachel Cholst

Lydia Loveless — Real

Moving forward with my series, Your Twenties Are a Motherfucker But It Probably Gets Worse (NB: I don’t personally think it does…at least not for a while…), there is no better conveyor of suck-titude than Lydia Loveless. I find Loveless’…

Courtney Marie Andrews — Honest Life

Courtney Marie Andrews has many accomplishments under her belt: playing with Damien Jurado, collaborating with Jimmy Eats World, touring internationally, producing the finest album of 2016 (this one.) She has one more important but dubious notch to add to her…

BJ Barham — Rockingham

BJ Barham, American Aquarium frontman, recently released his first solo album. Not surprisingly, all of the important things about American Aquarium are here — beautiful lyrics, hard-hitting songs. The main difference is that I don’t think the songs on Rockingham…

Kelsey Waldon — I’ve Got a Way

Kelsey Waldon’s sophomore release brings us back to the days when country music was plainspoken. Waldon, an East Nashville transplant from the tobacco town of Monkey’s Eyebrow, KY (really), knows how to craft a tune that is honest and sincere.…

Tatters & Rags — Salt

Though the hail from Brooklyn, there’s nothing smarmy or ironic about Tatters & Rags’ debut album. The band’s traditional(-ish) take on country and irreverent personality is reminiscent of Girls on Grass, with whom they often share a stage. My first…